Saturday, June 27, 2009


In the summertime, I love to go to u-pick berry patches. There are a couple of them in the area that are open and ready for picking.

Creative Habitats is a landscaping company here in Auburn, off of Hwy. 280. They have a u-pick blueberry farm with about 2000 plants, and charge $10/gallon. Last year, they supplied gallon sized Ziplock bags, and had a table with a jar to leave the money.
Directions, contact information, and hours of operation are all listed on their website, creative habitats under a tab labled "PYO farm".

Blueberry Havens is another u-pick farm in the area. They advertise having 20,000 blueberry plants and charge $7/gallon for u-pick berries. If you don't want to pick your own berries, you may call and have them pick berries for you for $12/gallon. This farm is a little bit farther away from Auburn. Directions on their website say that they're about 18 miles away. I haven't personally been to this farm, but have heard that it's a great place to go as well. Their website is blueberryhavens

Has anyone been to either of these farms? I'd love to hear about your experiences. I love the taste of fresh blueberries!


  1. I love your blog and your ideas, thanks for sharing Nan!

  2. Blueberry Havens is now strictly a "pick your own" & charges $10/gallon. It's open 7 days a week from sunrise to sunset. Easy picking & if owner is not in it's an honor system,drop your payment in a box on the wall. Picked last week, BB were very good.
